Every study I have seen about the Measles and it’s dangers should put parents minds at ease. Instead the media ignores these studies, even uses phony statistics to try and scare you. Big Pharma wants you living in fear so it can sell more MMR vaccines. While the media knows sensationalism gets ratings and ratings mean more Big Pharma money.
This episode of Stinchfield exposes the MMR vaccine as useless. Something few doctors will tell you. But we have the hard statistics to back up the claim that Measles had been nearly eradicated long before the vaccine hit the market in the early 1960’s.
Because the truth doesn’t work for the pharmaceutical industrial complex, it resorts to lies and misdirection. Even NBC appears to have been caught doctoring a stock photo to make it look like a baby was infected with Measles. That is about as deceitful as it gets. We have the photo evidence!
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